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The member of COFCO Corporation leading Party members' group and Vice-president, Mr. Chen Lang visited COFCO Coca-Cola Beverage Limited (“CBL”) Xinjiang bottling plant

 On 2ndSeptember 2019, member of COFCO Corporation leading Party members' group and Vice-president, Mr. Chen Lang visited COFCO COCA-COLA BEVERAGE LIMITED (“CBL”) Xinjiang bottling plant and provided guidance on operations.

 Vice-president Chen and his team visited the Coca-Cola World, the corporate culture corridor and had an in-depth understanding of the production process, product quality and production safety management etc. also, Vice-president Chen emphasis on the importance of the probity and self-discipline during Mid-autumn Festival, National Day holidays.

 After the factory visit, Vice-president Chen listened carefully to reports of business performance and made the full investigation on product value chain, key accounts, procurement, logistics, and staff recruitment. Vice-president Chen gave high praise of operation strategy, performance results under the challenging market environment and also put forward higher expectation for the Xinjiang team.

 On the occasion of Mid-autumn Festival, Vice-president Chen showed loving care for old employee, and thanked them for staying true to the mission, focusing on their own work and making contribution to Xinjiang plant.

 Vice-president Chen and his team visited Youhao Group supermarket, Hongshiyue residential area and Minzu wholesale market, and gave full appreciation and recognition of Xinjiang market in the visit.

 President of Coca-Cola in great China and South Korea, Curt Ferguson, CEO and Party Secretary of CBL Ms. Luan Xiuju, the general manager of sales and marketing department, Lidong Liu, the general manager of legal department, and the general manager of Xinjiang plant Yimin Zhang and his management team, accompanied Vice-president Chen in the visit.